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About Related Material
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
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Outline of This Web Page
2.  About Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us - and reopening the world of souls
          within us, and opening the kingdom of God within us, this is our main work
3.  About Becoming A Placeholder For God - replacing "our presence" with "His
          Presence", and then experiencing "His Presence" as "Our Presence"
          a.  Understanding the "No-thing" - by becoming one with the "Everything"
          b.  The Choice Is Ours, Not God's - God has already made His choice, and
                    He chose "oneness with man", not "separation from man", now we must
                    choose "oneness with God" or "separation from God"
          c.  To Germinate Or Not To Germinate - that is the question
          d.  Finding Peace In Our Life - by becoming and transcending everything, by
                    becoming and transcending the essence of everything, and by becoming
                    and transcending the power within the essence of everything
          a.  The Uniqueness of Man Among The Creation of God - is the divine
                    consciousness of God
          b.  Life Is A Feast of The World - its medicine is a time after a time

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Through the grace of God, this child has been blessed with a lot of clarity over the last few weeks, while working on Spiritual Letter 14, and this section, which we have called "Related Material", represents some of the material that has grown out of this clarity.

Specifically, it includes a discussion of the following three topics:

          1.  Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us
          2.  Becoming A Placeholder For God
          3.  Finding, Understanding, and Joining With A True Man

In addition, we have included as part of "Related Material" a copy of the following material that was developed by this child years ago, when the first version of this on-line library was set up, and is still available through the Children Library, within the sections, Testimonials and In-the-room Stories, and supports and complements the new material nicely.

          1.  Only God Is Not Crazy
          2.  The Exaltedness of Our Life

Finally, we have included as the last item in "Related Materials" our first contribution to the newest part of the Children's Library, called Spiritual Topics, which is Spiritual Topic 1, "Fashioning The God We Worship", which was developed by this child in partnership with His Holiness, while Spritual Letter 14 was being written.

Spiritual Topic 1 was sent by this child to the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
mailing list
on February 5, 2002, and established a new standard for the format of material presented by this child in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library, to include the following components:

          1.  Text Only Version - designed to be read all the way through
          2.  Outline & Summary Version - designed to be studied and reviewed
          3.  Related Material - provides a wealth of additional material to study
          4.  About Material (e.g., About Spiritual Letter 14) - some background on effort
          5.  About Related Material - some additional material to study  

If you would like to be added to the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Mailing List, please send us your request at

A discussion of the new material presented in this "Related Material For Spiritual Letter 14", which are the first three items listed in the outline, follows:
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About Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us

This is our main work, not the other things that are often stressed, like prayer, or good deeds, or forgiveness, or charity, or raising a good family, or friendships, or lasting relationships, because none of these things will change the state we were in when we came here, the state of our ignorance, which upon coming here has caused us to forget God and fall into many a trap, has caused us to take on 105 million rebirths, which will become the suffering in our grave.

But if before we die, we can awaken the wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, and join with our wisdom to liberate our soul, and in the process bring to judgment all of the impure lives that have come to life within us, removing in this way our ignorance, coming to an understanding of God and True Man within us, then our trip to this school of contrasts will have been successful.

To do this we must come to understand what God has started within us, and what our Shaikh has started within us, which is the story of True Man within the Creation of God, and the story of God within True man, and join True Man and God within us to allow them to finish what They have started within us.  There is no other way out of here.

May we all do this sensible work within us, and put down all of the "nonsense" work in the illusory world that we see as existing "outside" of us.

For as His Holiness teaches us, on page 5 of the "Introduction" to the book,

          "Outer acts are not real."
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About Becoming A Placeholder For God

My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is heart of the matter, this is where the rubber hits the road, as they say, where we either stay as the darkness or evil that we have become one with, through our ignorance, or we reject all of this and through our 6th level of wisdom, divine analytic wisdom, the wisdom that differentiates good from evil, become one with the goodness that is True Man, and then through our 7th level of wisdom, divine luminous wisdom, the wisdom of 'ilm or divine knowledge, the wisdom that differentiates God from goodness, become one with the power that is God .  It is just this simple.
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Understanding the "No-thing" - by becoming the "Everything"

For in truth we are nothing, we are the "no-thing" that has come from the "no-thing" which is God, to understand the "no-thing", to understand God, to understand who we already are, by first becoming "everything", by first becoming one with "everything", by becoming one with the Creation of God within us, which is the dunya, which is the 18,000 universes of God within us, by first becoming one with who we aren't in our ignorance of "who we are", of "where we are", and of "what is happening" in our life, by first becoming this "everything", by living a life of separation and differences, a life of separation from God, separation from each other, and separation from God, in the dream of self existence, as experienced in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, which in truth is but a reflection of the 18,000 universes hidden within us, a reflection of the Creation of God within us, that we in our ignorance have become one with.

And then through our wisdom to become the "essence" of that everything, the "essence" of the Creation of God, which is the form of the oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, and as True Man build and enter the 8th heaven of God within us, which is firdaus, which is akhirah or the hereafter, which is the kingdom of God within us, by reclaiming the original land of Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him) within us, the purified fistful of earth within us, which God fashioned from the 5 elements within us through the kalimah, the affirmation of the unity of God.

In our ignorance this fistful of earth has become the island of hell within us, when the elements within us fell out of the state of the kalimah, and became the 6 armies within us, when the six-span house of our original birth, of our birth into a life of "oneness with", which are the 7 heavens build and placed within us by God, became the eight-span house of our false birth, of our birth into a life of  "separation from", which are the 7 hells build and placed within us by God.

Now we must join with our Shaikh to cut off with our wisdom the 2 spans of our darkness from the 6 spans of our light, and in this way, remove the 1 span of the fires of hell, the ½ span of sorrow, and the ½ span of torpor or illusion within us, closing down within us the world of hell, of the jinns, and of the fairies, re-opening within us the world of souls, and then opening the kingdom of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, becoming the light of heaven, the light of God to the world.

And then through the power that is God to become the form of that power, which is the Kingdom of God, which is akhirah, and reveal that power within it, reveal God within the Kingdom of God, as the oneness of True Man and His Creation, as the oneness of True Man and the Kingdom of God, as the oneness of True Man and akhirah, and having revealed it become one with it, as the Oneness of God and True Man.
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The Choice Is Ours, Not God's

The choice is now ours, not God's, because God has given us this choice, and having given all of it to us, having given all of His property, all of His wealth to us, all of His Creation to us, God has disappeared silently within us, awaiting our choice, with faith, certitude, and determination in True man within us, with trust in True Man within us.

And God is waiting within us, with faith and trust that man will do the same, that man will choose God over himself, that man will choose "God as one with man" over "man as separate from God", that man will choose "the oneness of God and man" over "himself as separate from God", and having made this choice, hand all that God has handed to man back to God, with the intention that God finish what God has started within man, that God reveal True Man within man, within the Creation of God that God placed within man, within the 18,000 universes within man, which is the dunya, that God reveal the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, allowing True Man to reveal God within True Man, to reveal God as the Oneness of True Man and His Creation, which is akhirah, allowing God and True Man as one to reveal the Oneness of Go and True Man.

What a wonder is this God of ours, this God of ours within True Man within us, and this True Man of ours within the Creation of God within us, and this Creation of God of ours within the dream of "self existence" within us, this dream of "separation from" within us, that we are currently experiencing as existing "outside" of us, as defining "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life.   What a wonder.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

So here we sit, as the potential placeholder of God, or as "ourselves" as separate from God, as "ourselves" separate from each other, and as "ourselves" separate from the Creation of God within us.  While God, and True Man, and the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within us, all sit waiting for our decision.  What a momentious moment this life of our is.  Do we chose "oneness with" or "separation from"?

The choice is ours, not God's.  God has already made His choice, and He choose "oneness with" not "separation from".  Now the choice is ours.
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To Germinate  Or Not To Germinate - that is the question

Do we give it all up for God, as God gave it all up for us, or do we break the circle, the circle known as the story of God within True Man and the story of True Man within God, as the apple seed does that fails to germinate, breaking the circle of the story of the apple tree within with apple seed and the story of the apple seed within the apple tree, forever breaking its connection to the apple tree, and the sweet taste of the apple hidden within it, that it came to the earth to join with the earth to reveal.

Or do we germinate, do we join our Shaikh to reveal True Man within us, which is the "Tree of God" within us, within the Creation of God within us, which is the "Earth of God" within us, and then join with True Man within us to reveal God within True Man within us, which is the "Fruit of God" within us.

Do we join with the gift of God for this age, with the life and teachings of our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), with our wisdom and our heart for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man within us can reveal God within True Man, or do we turn away from our true destiny, and take the selfish way, the self centered way, the way of satan, of darkness, of separation and differences. 

The choice is ours, and there is no other choice, either God or "us", either "oneness with" or "separation from", either "oneness with God" or "separation from God", either good or evil, either truth or falsehood.

This is why His Holiness teaches us,

          "At the end all that is left is God and what has separated from God,
          and what has separated from God is what says, 'I am separate from God'".

In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, God does not separate us from God, we separate ourselves from God.  All God is ever doing is trying to pull us back into Himself, from which we all came, whether we like it or not. 

God is the truth of us, of all of us.  And we will only find peace in our life as "one with God", as one within this truth of us known as God, we will only find peace in our "oneness with", in our oneness with God and all that God is one with, not in our "separation from", not in our separation from God, or our separation from anything or anyone that God is one with, and God is one with everything, both good and evil, both truth and falsehood, having understood and transcended both, but still loving, protecting, and sustaining both. 

And as God has understood and transcended both good and evil, but still loves, protects, and sustains both, using both to complete His intention, which is to reveal God, by revealing True Man within His Creation so True Man Can reveal God within True Man, so must we.
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Finding Peace In Our Life

Then and only then will we find peace, will we find God within True Man, will we find True Man within the Creation of God which is the dunya, the 18,000 universes within us, will we join with the gift of God for this age, with the life and teaching of our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) to close down this island of hell we now call home, this 1 universe within the 18,000 universes within us, that now uses us as lunch.

Then and only then will we find peace, will we become one with the Creation of God, with the 18,000 universes within us, which is the dunya, and by becoming it transcend it, as True Man, as the wisdom of God, as Muhamamd, as the Rasulullah, as the oneness of God and His Creation.

Then and only then will we find peace, will we become one with the Creation of True Man, with the 8th heaven, with firdaus, which is the kingdom of God, and by becoming it transcend it, as the light of heaven, as the light of God's wisdom, as the Nur Muhammad, the body of the soul.

Remember, "La ilaha" - there is nothing other than God, "Ill Allahu" - You are God, and "Muhammadar Rasulullah" - Muhammad or True Man is the Messenger of God.

This must be our mantra, the magical words of God for our life, "I am not, only God is, and True Man or Muhammad is the Messenger of God". 

May we all reflect on these beautiful words of iman and wisdom, from the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 

May God give each of us the grace to do this, to do this divine work within us, to join in partnership with the life and teaching of God for this age, the gift of God for this age of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) to the Children of God for this age, the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.
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About Finding, Understanding, and Joining With A True Man

The "Introduction" to the book by His Holiness, "Shaikh and Disciple", especially pages 5, 6, and 7, explains in detail the true Shaikh Disciple Relationship that each of us must establish within our own hearts to be successful in our life.

This material by His Holiness provides us with a rare glimpse into the relationship that must be established within us between our soul, which is the life within our life, our Shaikh or wisdom, which is the consciousness within our consciousness, and God which is the true power or cause within our illusory power and cause, the reality of life within our dream of life, the true relationships hidden within all of our false relationships.

In this way, our soul, our Shaikh, and God within us is the Triple Flame of God within us, the Triple Truth of "us" hidden within the triple illusion or falsehood of "us", hidden within our arrogance, our karma, and our illusion, hidden within our desire for earth, women, and gold.

We must all expand ourselves to include this Triple Flame of God as "us", and not just the Triple Dirt of "us" as us, and join with "It" to reveal "It" within us, allowing "It" to become One within us, as the Oneness of God within us.
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The Uniqueness of Man Among The Creation of God

Everything within the Creation of God has this Triple Flame of God within it, just waiting to become One within it, not just man.

That is why everything exists, but only man has been blessed with the 6th level of wisdom, divine analytic wisdom, the level of consciousness that can come to know God, by becoming one with all of the Creation of God within u, as God is, and through this knowing of God reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and within that, become one with the 7th level of wisdom within us, divine luminous wisdom, that can come to understand God, by becoming One with God within True Man, and through that understanding reveal God within True Man, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes, within man and within God and within God and within man.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is our true heritage, our true birth right, not the Creation of God that we have mistakenly, in our ignorance, become one with, but God within the Creation of God, which through our wisdom we can become one with, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, which we can join with God to reveal within us as True Man, allowing True Man within us to reveal God within True Man. 

This is what we must do with our life, not live in an illusory world as the Creation of God, but in truth, separate from God, separate from each other, and separate from the Creation of God.  Anything less then the Oneness of God and True Man is a waste of our life, no matter what we may have done with our life, in separation from God.

This is why we need to find and understand a True Man among the Creation of God, to transcend the Creation of God within us, by revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, by first joining with our Shaikh, with our wisdom, with the Messenger of God for our age, to transcending the illusory "us", that we are currently experiencing in the illusory work of "self existence", with "us" as the center of our existence, in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that in truth is but a reflection of the Creation of God hidden "inside" of us, and then joining with God within us, with the Light of Allahu within us, with the light of our wisdom, with the Nur Muhammad within us, with True Man within us, to transcend the Creation of God within us, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us. 
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Life Is A Feast of The World - its medicine is a time after a time

This is what we must do, what each of us must do, because we can, because only this will bring peace to our life, by using our wisdom to transcend the Creation of God as True Man, not mistakenly using our ignorance to live as the Creation of God

There is no other way to do this.  Everything else is just the Creation of God and as such can only help us live here, as the Creation of God, not leave here as the Light of God to the world. 

We must make this distinction, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, using our wisdom and iman, which is the heart and wisdom of our Shaikh, between "ourselves" in the dream of "self existence", "ourselves" in the dream of "separation from", and the reality of the Creation of God that lies hidden within us, which acts as the elemental reality underlying our dream, seeing that all we do in our unreal dream life on the "outside" of us is but a reflection of the needs and hunger of all the real elemental lives living within us, living within the dunya within us, living within the 9 openings of our body as the 105 million births and rebirth.

In this way, we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that "our" life in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, is really existing "inside" of us, is really but 1 of the 18,000 universes within us, that "our" life in the world that we see "outside" of us is the 1 universe within us that provides nourishment for all the other 17,999 universes within us.

For as His Holiness teaches us,

          "Life is a feast of the world.  Its medicine is a time after a time."

And then, like the apple tree that lies hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, we must make the distinction, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, using the grace of God within us, the grace of the qutbiyyat of God within us, which is the wisdom of the Qutb within us, the sixth level of consciousness, the wisdom which explains the truth of God within us, between the Creation of God within us, the 18,000 universes within us, the dunya within us, and True Man who lies hidden within the Creation of God within us, as the Oneness of God and His Creation, between True Man within us and the Creation of God within us, the Creation of God within us which lies hidden within our illusory life in the world, in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us.

And having accepted this truth of ourselves, we must join with the wisdom within us, which is the life of our Shaikh within us, and embrace the explanations within the Holy Qur'an within us, which is the teaching of our Shaikh within us, allowing Him to reject the illusory "us" within us, revealing the 18,000 universes within us, and then reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us. 

Only in this way, in partnership with the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), only then will we be victorious in life, only then will our wisdom reason over our fate. 

May we all reflect on this truth, and act accordingly, finding, understanding, and joining with the True Man among the Creation of God for our age, which is His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

End of About Related Material

About Related Material
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
                                                                                                                        - back to top of page
Outline of This Web Page
2.  About Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us - and reopening the world of souls
          within us, and opening the kingdom of God within us, this is our main work
3.  About Becoming A Placeholder For God - replacing "our presence" with "His
          Presence", and then experiencing "His Presence" as "Our Presence"
          a.  Understanding the "No-thing" - by becoming one with the "Everything"
          b.  The Choice Is Ours, Not God's - God has already made His choice, and
                    He chose "oneness with man", not "separation from man", now we must
                    choose "oneness with God" or "separation from God"
          c.  To Germinate Or Not To Germinate - that is the question
          d.  Finding Peace In Our Life - by becoming and transcending everything, by
                    becoming and transcending the essence of everything, and by becoming
                    and transcending the power within the essence of everything
          a.  The Uniqueness of Man Among The Creation of God - is the divine
                    consciousness of God
          b.  Life Is A Feast of The World - its medicine is a time after a time

                                                                                                                        - back to outline

Through the grace of God, this child has been blessed with a lot of clarity over the last few weeks, while working on Spiritual Letter 14, and this section, which we have called "Related Material", represents some of the material that has grown out of this clarity.

Specifically, it includes a discussion of the following three topics:

          1.  Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us
          2.  Becoming A Placeholder For God
          3.  Finding, Understanding, and Joining With A True Man

In addition, we have included as part of "Related Material" a copy of the following material that was developed by this child years ago, when the first version of this on-line library was set up, and is still available through the Children Library, within the sections, Testimonials and In-the-room Stories, and supports and complements the new material nicely.

          1.  Only God Is Not Crazy
          2.  The Exaltedness of Our Life

Finally, we have included as the last item in "Related Materials" our first contribution to the newest part of the Children's Library, called Spiritual Topics, which is Spiritual Topic 1, "Fashioning The God We Worship", which was developed by this child in partnership with His Holiness, while Spritual Letter 14 was being written.

Spiritual Topic 1 was sent by this child to the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
mailing list
on February 5, 2002, and established a new standard for the format of material presented by this child in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library, to include the following components:

          1.  Text Only Version - designed to be read all the way through
          2.  Outline & Summary Version - designed to be studied and reviewed
          3.  Related Material - provides a wealth of additional material to study
          4.  About Material (e.g., About Spiritual Letter 14) - some background on effort
          5.  About Related Material - some additional material to study  

If you would like to be added to the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Mailing List, please send us your request at

A discussion of the new material presented in this "Related Material For Spiritual Letter 14", which are the first three items listed in the outline, follows:
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About Closing Down The World of Hell Within Us

This is our main work, not the other things that are often stressed, like prayer, or good deeds, or forgiveness, or charity, or raising a good family, or friendships, or lasting relationships, because none of these things will change the state we were in when we came here, the state of our ignorance, which upon coming here has caused us to forget God and fall into many a trap, has caused us to take on 105 million rebirths, which will become the suffering in our grave.

But if before we die, we can awaken the wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, and join with our wisdom to liberate our soul, and in the process bring to judgment all of the impure lives that have come to life within us, removing in this way our ignorance, coming to an understanding of God and True Man within us, then our trip to this school of contrasts will have been successful.

To do this we must come to understand what God has started within us, and what our Shaikh has started within us, which is the story of True Man within the Creation of God, and the story of God within True man, and join True Man and God within us to allow them to finish what They have started within us.  There is no other way out of here.

May we all do this sensible work within us, and put down all of the "nonsense" work in the illusory world that we see as existing "outside" of us.

For as His Holiness teaches us, on page 5 of the "Introduction" to the book,

          "Outer acts are not real."
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About Becoming A Placeholder For God

My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is heart of the matter, this is where the rubber hits the road, as they say, where we either stay as the darkness or evil that we have become one with, through our ignorance, or we reject all of this and through our 6th level of wisdom, divine analytic wisdom, the wisdom that differentiates good from evil, become one with the goodness that is True Man, and then through our 7th level of wisdom, divine luminous wisdom, the wisdom of 'ilm or divine knowledge, the wisdom that differentiates God from goodness, become one with the power that is God .  It is just this simple.
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Understanding the "No-thing" - by becoming the "Everything"

For in truth we are nothing, we are the "no-thing" that has come from the "no-thing" which is God, to understand the "no-thing", to understand God, to understand who we already are, by first becoming "everything", by first becoming one with "everything", by becoming one with the Creation of God within us, which is the dunya, which is the 18,000 universes of God within us, by first becoming one with who we aren't in our ignorance of "who we are", of "where we are", and of "what is happening" in our life, by first becoming this "everything", by living a life of separation and differences, a life of separation from God, separation from each other, and separation from God, in the dream of self existence, as experienced in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, which in truth is but a reflection of the 18,000 universes hidden within us, a reflection of the Creation of God within us, that we in our ignorance have become one with.

And then through our wisdom to become the "essence" of that everything, the "essence" of the Creation of God, which is the form of the oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, and as True Man build and enter the 8th heaven of God within us, which is firdaus, which is akhirah or the hereafter, which is the kingdom of God within us, by reclaiming the original land of Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him) within us, the purified fistful of earth within us, which God fashioned from the 5 elements within us through the kalimah, the affirmation of the unity of God.

In our ignorance this fistful of earth has become the island of hell within us, when the elements within us fell out of the state of the kalimah, and became the 6 armies within us, when the six-span house of our original birth, of our birth into a life of "oneness with", which are the 7 heavens build and placed within us by God, became the eight-span house of our false birth, of our birth into a life of  "separation from", which are the 7 hells build and placed within us by God.

Now we must join with our Shaikh to cut off with our wisdom the 2 spans of our darkness from the 6 spans of our light, and in this way, remove the 1 span of the fires of hell, the ½ span of sorrow, and the ½ span of torpor or illusion within us, closing down within us the world of hell, of the jinns, and of the fairies, re-opening within us the world of souls, and then opening the kingdom of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, becoming the light of heaven, the light of God to the world.

And then through the power that is God to become the form of that power, which is the Kingdom of God, which is akhirah, and reveal that power within it, reveal God within the Kingdom of God, as the oneness of True Man and His Creation, as the oneness of True Man and the Kingdom of God, as the oneness of True Man and akhirah, and having revealed it become one with it, as the Oneness of God and True Man.
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The Choice Is Ours, Not God's

The choice is now ours, not God's, because God has given us this choice, and having given all of it to us, having given all of His property, all of His wealth to us, all of His Creation to us, God has disappeared silently within us, awaiting our choice, with faith, certitude, and determination in True man within us, with trust in True Man within us.

And God is waiting within us, with faith and trust that man will do the same, that man will choose God over himself, that man will choose "God as one with man" over "man as separate from God", that man will choose "the oneness of God and man" over "himself as separate from God", and having made this choice, hand all that God has handed to man back to God, with the intention that God finish what God has started within man, that God reveal True Man within man, within the Creation of God that God placed within man, within the 18,000 universes within man, which is the dunya, that God reveal the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, allowing True Man to reveal God within True Man, to reveal God as the Oneness of True Man and His Creation, which is akhirah, allowing God and True Man as one to reveal the Oneness of Go and True Man.

What a wonder is this God of ours, this God of ours within True Man within us, and this True Man of ours within the Creation of God within us, and this Creation of God of ours within the dream of "self existence" within us, this dream of "separation from" within us, that we are currently experiencing as existing "outside" of us, as defining "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life.   What a wonder.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

So here we sit, as the potential placeholder of God, or as "ourselves" as separate from God, as "ourselves" separate from each other, and as "ourselves" separate from the Creation of God within us.  While God, and True Man, and the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within us, all sit waiting for our decision.  What a momentious moment this life of our is.  Do we chose "oneness with" or "separation from"?

The choice is ours, not God's.  God has already made His choice, and He choose "oneness with" not "separation from".  Now the choice is ours.
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To Germinate  Or Not To Germinate - that is the question

Do we give it all up for God, as God gave it all up for us, or do we break the circle, the circle known as the story of God within True Man and the story of True Man within God, as the apple seed does that fails to germinate, breaking the circle of the story of the apple tree within with apple seed and the story of the apple seed within the apple tree, forever breaking its connection to the apple tree, and the sweet taste of the apple hidden within it, that it came to the earth to join with the earth to reveal.

Or do we germinate, do we join our Shaikh to reveal True Man within us, which is the "Tree of God" within us, within the Creation of God within us, which is the "Earth of God" within us, and then join with True Man within us to reveal God within True Man within us, which is the "Fruit of God" within us.

Do we join with the gift of God for this age, with the life and teachings of our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), with our wisdom and our heart for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man within us can reveal God within True Man, or do we turn away from our true destiny, and take the selfish way, the self centered way, the way of satan, of darkness, of separation and differences. 

The choice is ours, and there is no other choice, either God or "us", either "oneness with" or "separation from", either "oneness with God" or "separation from God", either good or evil, either truth or falsehood.

This is why His Holiness teaches us,

          "At the end all that is left is God and what has separated from God,
          and what has separated from God is what says, 'I am separate from God'".

In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, God does not separate us from God, we separate ourselves from God.  All God is ever doing is trying to pull us back into Himself, from which we all came, whether we like it or not. 

God is the truth of us, of all of us.  And we will only find peace in our life as "one with God", as one within this truth of us known as God, we will only find peace in our "oneness with", in our oneness with God and all that God is one with, not in our "separation from", not in our separation from God, or our separation from anything or anyone that God is one with, and God is one with everything, both good and evil, both truth and falsehood, having understood and transcended both, but still loving, protecting, and sustaining both. 

And as God has understood and transcended both good and evil, but still loves, protects, and sustains both, using both to complete His intention, which is to reveal God, by revealing True Man within His Creation so True Man Can reveal God within True Man, so must we.
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Finding Peace In Our Life

Then and only then will we find peace, will we find God within True Man, will we find True Man within the Creation of God which is the dunya, the 18,000 universes within us, will we join with the gift of God for this age, with the life and teaching of our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) to close down this island of hell we now call home, this 1 universe within the 18,000 universes within us, that now uses us as lunch.

Then and only then will we find peace, will we become one with the Creation of God, with the 18,000 universes within us, which is the dunya, and by becoming it transcend it, as True Man, as the wisdom of God, as Muhamamd, as the Rasulullah, as the oneness of God and His Creation.

Then and only then will we find peace, will we become one with the Creation of True Man, with the 8th heaven, with firdaus, which is the kingdom of God, and by becoming it transcend it, as the light of heaven, as the light of God's wisdom, as the Nur Muhammad, the body of the soul.

Remember, "La ilaha" - there is nothing other than God, "Ill Allahu" - You are God, and "Muhammadar Rasulullah" - Muhammad or True Man is the Messenger of God.

This must be our mantra, the magical words of God for our life, "I am not, only God is, and True Man or Muhammad is the Messenger of God". 

May we all reflect on these beautiful words of iman and wisdom, from the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 

May God give each of us the grace to do this, to do this divine work within us, to join in partnership with the life and teaching of God for this age, the gift of God for this age of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) to the Children of God for this age, the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.
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About Finding, Understanding, and Joining With A True Man

The "Introduction" to the book by His Holiness, "Shaikh and Disciple", especially pages 5, 6, and 7, explains in detail the true Shaikh Disciple Relationship that each of us must establish within our own hearts to be successful in our life.

This material by His Holiness provides us with a rare glimpse into the relationship that must be established within us between our soul, which is the life within our life, our Shaikh or wisdom, which is the consciousness within our consciousness, and God which is the true power or cause within our illusory power and cause, the reality of life within our dream of life, the true relationships hidden within all of our false relationships.

In this way, our soul, our Shaikh, and God within us is the Triple Flame of God within us, the Triple Truth of "us" hidden within the triple illusion or falsehood of "us", hidden within our arrogance, our karma, and our illusion, hidden within our desire for earth, women, and gold.

We must all expand ourselves to include this Triple Flame of God as "us", and not just the Triple Dirt of "us" as us, and join with "It" to reveal "It" within us, allowing "It" to become One within us, as the Oneness of God within us.
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The Uniqueness of Man Among The Creation of God

Everything within the Creation of God has this Triple Flame of God within it, just waiting to become One within it, not just man.

That is why everything exists, but only man has been blessed with the 6th level of wisdom, divine analytic wisdom, the level of consciousness that can come to know God, by becoming one with all of the Creation of God within u, as God is, and through this knowing of God reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and within that, become one with the 7th level of wisdom within us, divine luminous wisdom, that can come to understand God, by becoming One with God within True Man, and through that understanding reveal God within True Man, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes, within man and within God and within God and within man.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is our true heritage, our true birth right, not the Creation of God that we have mistakenly, in our ignorance, become one with, but God within the Creation of God, which through our wisdom we can become one with, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, which we can join with God to reveal within us as True Man, allowing True Man within us to reveal God within True Man. 

This is what we must do with our life, not live in an illusory world as the Creation of God, but in truth, separate from God, separate from each other, and separate from the Creation of God.  Anything less then the Oneness of God and True Man is a waste of our life, no matter what we may have done with our life, in separation from God.

This is why we need to find and understand a True Man among the Creation of God, to transcend the Creation of God within us, by revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, by first joining with our Shaikh, with our wisdom, with the Messenger of God for our age, to transcending the illusory "us", that we are currently experiencing in the illusory work of "self existence", with "us" as the center of our existence, in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that in truth is but a reflection of the Creation of God hidden "inside" of us, and then joining with God within us, with the Light of Allahu within us, with the light of our wisdom, with the Nur Muhammad within us, with True Man within us, to transcend the Creation of God within us, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us. 
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Life Is A Feast of The World - its medicine is a time after a time

This is what we must do, what each of us must do, because we can, because only this will bring peace to our life, by using our wisdom to transcend the Creation of God as True Man, not mistakenly using our ignorance to live as the Creation of God

There is no other way to do this.  Everything else is just the Creation of God and as such can only help us live here, as the Creation of God, not leave here as the Light of God to the world. 

We must make this distinction, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, using our wisdom and iman, which is the heart and wisdom of our Shaikh, between "ourselves" in the dream of "self existence", "ourselves" in the dream of "separation from", and the reality of the Creation of God that lies hidden within us, which acts as the elemental reality underlying our dream, seeing that all we do in our unreal dream life on the "outside" of us is but a reflection of the needs and hunger of all the real elemental lives living within us, living within the dunya within us, living within the 9 openings of our body as the 105 million births and rebirth.

In this way, we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that "our" life in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, is really existing "inside" of us, is really but 1 of the 18,000 universes within us, that "our" life in the world that we see "outside" of us is the 1 universe within us that provides nourishment for all the other 17,999 universes within us.

For as His Holiness teaches us,

          "Life is a feast of the world.  Its medicine is a time after a time."

And then, like the apple tree that lies hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, we must make the distinction, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, using the grace of God within us, the grace of the qutbiyyat of God within us, which is the wisdom of the Qutb within us, the sixth level of consciousness, the wisdom which explains the truth of God within us, between the Creation of God within us, the 18,000 universes within us, the dunya within us, and True Man who lies hidden within the Creation of God within us, as the Oneness of God and His Creation, between True Man within us and the Creation of God within us, the Creation of God within us which lies hidden within our illusory life in the world, in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us.

And having accepted this truth of ourselves, we must join with the wisdom within us, which is the life of our Shaikh within us, and embrace the explanations within the Holy Qur'an within us, which is the teaching of our Shaikh within us, allowing Him to reject the illusory "us" within us, revealing the 18,000 universes within us, and then reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us. 

Only in this way, in partnership with the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), only then will we be victorious in life, only then will our wisdom reason over our fate. 

May we all reflect on this truth, and act accordingly, finding, understanding, and joining with the True Man among the Creation of God for our age, which is His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

End of About Related Material

This page was last updated on: February 13, 2002